Tuesday 19 March 2013

My Journey Starts....

A few month ago, I've been thinking of creating a blog to note down and to share penny of my thoughts in Health, Finance and Life, especially in investing, I'm always interested in investment after reading RICH DAD POOR DAD, however the thought of investing soon faded away after i got into poly. maybe it was studies and GAMING that took this interest away or maybe it was the interest of investing that was not strong enough for me to go deeply or maybe it was the FEAR of doing something new and out of way of what my friends were doing. Lots of reason and excuses, this flame of interest was very weak but it didn't die.

 So during my army period which was the 2nd half year this flame suddenly became strong which i think the source of this energy was BOREDOM hahaha...  and i started reading a lot of book in investing especially warren buffett's book which i think i'm more hardworking than when i was studying in POLY =X. and also i didn't just study i also applied. which means the JOURNEY TO THE INVESTMENT WORLD STARTS the feeling was good and at the same time frightening, this was my first time investing and doing something that lots of people disapproved, they will say "INVESTING IS SO RISKY DON'T EVER EVER DO IT". Initially before reading those books i also had the same thought. WAH SEH investment so risky better don't touch just like typical singaporean KIASU and KIASI haha no offense here I'm also a Singaporean and i'm also kiasu and kiasi. but after reading those books and visited some blogs and forum the FEAR went down, so i was telling myself, if you don't apply you wouldn't be getting anywhere and even if you fail at least you're getting somewhere just like driving if you have pass all your theory test and you don't apply by driving you wouldn't be getting anywhere. so here goes i 丟開3-7-20-1 我要不斷的超越 (cao ge song). and bought some shares in 2 company and some precious metal even though it may not be much but at least i bought it and till now i haven't lost a single cent, I always remembered this quote by warren buffett "rule no 1. don't lose money, rule no 2. never forget rule no 1." so yeah...

After reading those books not just investment book but other self-improvement book i learn lots of things in health, life and finance you need to have a balance of these 3. if you're unhealthy this will affect your daily life and finance, and if you want to have a good life you need you to be healthy and financially stable, and if you want to be financial stable you need to be healthy because if you fall sick or contracted any dread illness this will definitely affect your financial health. so, In my opinion these 3 things are like 3 legged stool if one of them break the stool will be unstable so you need to manage and plan them well. So yup, this is my brief story of how i started my JOURNEY, you can start yours too just by reading and sharing. Don't underfeed your greatest ASSET which is your MIND so please keep it fit and stay healthy stay wealthy.

Anyway, for those who wants to know more about warren buffett and his philosophy in investing please google him. so yup, and for those who is interested in his method of investing please go to the nearest library and look for his book. i might be able to recommend some of the books if people are interested.

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